Reservations – Join our investigation in Phnom Penh!

Daily departures at 8:15AM and 09:15AM.

Approximate duration: 3h.


Number of playersPrice per person
185 $
251 $
339 $
433 $
5 and more30 $

Please check availability by filling out our booking form.

IMPORTANT: booking for the following day has to be made before 4pm. For week end reservations, please contact us no later than Friday noon.


>>If you have not heard from us after 24h,  please have a look at your spam folder!


Email Address*

Phone number

Select a date* (month / day / year)

Select a time*

How many adults will play?*

How many children (7 to 11 years old) will play?*

How many children of less than 7 years old will play?*


Promotional code

How did you hear about us?

excluding VAT